Regardless of the jokes about which side of the road people drive around the world, it turns out that driving on European roads is much safer than on US roads.
First things first, did you know that texting while driving in the US is actually legal?
It may not seem like a big deal, because when driving through heavy traffic, some people may be tempted to glance at their cell phones to see if anyone has taken something they said on Twitter out of context.
It’s not all doom and gloom over the pond – as the Brits say – it has also been shown that dedicated truck drivers actually earn more than their European counterparts.
Truck drivers in Europe earn up to €28,000 a year, which is much less than they earn in America – a figure of around €36,500 a year for doing the same job.
This wage increase may be due to the state of road safety in America. In 2015, there were a total of 35,092 traffic-related deaths in America — an 11% increase from 2014, according to the World Health Organization.
This is actually a surprise because truck drivers in Europe often work more than 48 hours a week – and often more than 60 hours a week. In America, drivers are not allowed to work more than 60 hours per week.
Spending the best part of your days on the road isn’t a lifestyle for everyone, but in the US, it seems like a more attractive option and there’s a guarantee that you won’t be overworked.
A long trip in America will keep you away from home for up to six weeks, but in Europe, you may be expected to be on the road for months at a time.
This may sometimes, depending on lifestyle choices, be preferable in Europe as some people may be looking for a form of escape and a way to make money while doing so.
While trucking in Europe may be a way to explore the continent and fill your pockets, it seems that doing it in America isn’t quite as fun as it is in Europe, but it’s definitely a great way to achieve some good, honest, and challenging things. gain money.